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Effective, safe and economical for daily use to eliminate or reduce germs and harmful microorganisms from surfaces or environments. Regularly disinfecting with Germ Buster can help maintain hygiene and prevent the spread of infections. It’s a biocide with no synthetic scent or colourant added. Alcohol free hence suitable for all nano mist spray gun usage.
Active ingredient: Benzalkonium Chloride

Recommended Usage:
Surface Rub: Use neat in spray/squirt bottle to wipe any surfaces. No rinsing required.
Disinfecting Floor: Add 30ml Germ Buster to 4L of your existing floor mop
Nano Atomiser Mist Spray Gun: Dilute Germ Buster 1:1 with water.
*Germ Buster doesnt remove dirt or grease. Disinfection works better on clean surface.